
Why are we loving every leaf?  Besides the lovely alliteration, this phrase is a modification pulled from one of my favorite novels of all time, involving possibly one of my favorite fictional characters.  In the middle of Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, Alyosha’s mentor Father Zosima advises him on life, love and God.

Brothers, do not be afraid of men’s sin, love man also in his sin, for this likeness of God’s love is the height of love on earth.  Love all of God’s creation, both the whole of it, and every grain of sand.  Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light.  Love animals, love plants, love each thing.  If you love each thing, you will perceive the mystery of God in things.

We are a family of Christians, with our own particular versions of sin and imperfections.  We homeschool our three boys, live in the Mid-west, though we are not originally from here, and love to be outdoors, usually making a great deal of noise.

My family and I welcome you here to this blog.  May it assist you in loving every leaf you encounter, every ray of light, every moment you are given, every soul in front of you.

6 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. You might have finally convinced me to read TBK with that intro!!! So glad for your friend who encouraged you to share your journey – I have always benefitted from and found enjoyment in your written experiences myself. As a sister, travelling in the Light of His Love, I know I will be challenged 🙂


    1. It is a wonderful novel, but it does require a commitment. It is long and in parts of it the author digresses, but still worth it, particularly for the last few pages. Thank you so much for your support, not just here but through the years. I fear you have always had a higher opinion of me than I deserved.


    2. I am a very slow reader, but I loved “Crime and Punishment”. Therefore, I will read “Brothers K” before I depart this world:).I have “Atlas Shrugged” to finish though.


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